We started developing a brand new Streamy² client that is able to run on affordable Android clients...
20 SEP 2017Totally rewritten from the ground up, Streamy² is our most advanced and complex project yet!
20 DEC 2013We understand that refining and adding features on top of our Streamy v.1 just won't cut it. We need to change architecture and rethink everything.
11 JUN 2011Our first digital signage system is ready to roll! We start selling licenses and installing it in public places throughout Italy.
15 MAY 2008We start building a digital signage software the way we see it, using Php, MySQL and Python for the front-end.
12 JAN 2005We start thinking that all the boring, static advertising surrounding us could easily be replaced by monitors and updated via internet. But how?
08 FEB 2004Let us build your perfect Streamy² system!